Imagine that your on the internet surfing, checking out some good web pages. You click around, and an advertisement comes up. Not so bad huh? The inter-site pop-up says "click here to continue" so you click it to continue browsing. You've done this a thousand times with no problem but this time is different. Your computer becomes unusable. A program called System Security 2009 pops up and warns you you have a virus. You cannot close it. You cannot click off of it. Your computer has been completely hijacked.
This weekend I ran into this very issue. The System Security 2009 virus is not one to play with. It's probably the worst virus I've ever had on my system. I couldn't open any programs, couldn't open the task manager, couldn't open control panel, or regedit. Nothing worked against this beast! I looked all over the net for help. Nothing worked because the virus rendered .EXE files on my system useless. Yes that includes and and all virus scanners!
Luckily I did not give up and I found a solution. If you have this virus you have to do one of two things depending on the situation. The first is auto cleaning with your virus scanner. That's easy. Download a good virus program and run it. If it finds the virus clean it, then disable system restore and boot your computer in safe mode (F8 at startup) and run the virus scanner again.
If you are like me and cannot use the open any applications you have to do something far more drastic. It's called a manual removal. You need to boot your system in safe mode and go in and search for all the applications on your computer. Delete any ones that look suspicious. Do the same for your registry keys and .dll files. If you do not know how to do this I recommend you don't mess with it unless you can afford to replace your PC in case you delete the wrong stuff.
How to Remove the System Security Virus
If you'd like to discover the steps I used to remove system security 2009 check out my blog at There you can find out the best products to use, read the steps I took in detail, and everything else you need to know before making your decision on how to clean your system.
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