Friday, August 5, 2011

Free Essential Overclocking Programs You Need to Maximize Your PC's Performance

There are tons of great overclocking programs that you can download for free for the sole purpose of overclocking. It just depends on which component you want to overclock.

For example, if you want to overclock your CPU then you would have to download software for the sole purpose of overclocking your CPU.


A couple of overclocking programs recommended to overclock your CPU are Clockgen and soft FSB (Just Google them). These programs will allow you to control your CPU's FSB therefore allowing quicker speeds from your Processor.

Overclocking your graphics card overclocks different to overclocking your CPU so different software is required. There is quite a few out there but the best ones are ATI Tool (For ATI graphics cards) and Rivatuner. It is also recommended to download the latest drivers when overclocking your graphics card as this will help with making your PC more stable when overclocking.

Other programs that is recommended when overclocking your PC is temperature monitoring software. This is because the higher you overclock your computer's components, the hotter they'll become and using temperature software will allow you to monitor the temperature of your components preventing you from damaging your PC's components.

A couple of recommended temperature overclocking programs that you can use right now are CPUcool and SpeedFan (Once again just Google them). Using these programs will also allow you to control the fan speeds therefore allowing for higher overclocks.

When overclocking you'll also need benchmarking software. This will not only allow you to test for how stable your PC is but to compare results before and after overclocking.

There is quite a few and it can vary for what you want to benchmark but what most people opt for is 3DMark 06. There is later versions but these can be quite testing on older PCs so if you do have older PC then I'd go for 3DMark 06.

Free Essential Overclocking Programs You Need to Maximize Your PC's Performance

Want to discover the exact methods of extracting hundreds of dollars worth of performance from your PC without spending a single on hardware?

If you do then I'd urge you to check out the ultimate CPU Overclocking Guide that will show the secrets of unleashing tidal wave of performance from your PC!

Overclock CPU Guide.


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