Saturday, October 22, 2011

Microsoft Security Essentials Virus Removal Tutorial

Microsoft Security Essentials is a legitimate program released by Microsoft to help protect your computer from various problems. However, there's a common fake of this program being distributed online which basically turns your computer into one giant ad-board, as well as a thief (stealing your passwords). The fake Microsoft Security Essentials Alert trojan is nothing but bad news, and needs to be removed before your computer gets damaged or corrupted by it. This tutorial is going to reveal a working method to get rid of the virus. 

microsoft security essentials

This virus is not like "typical" infections (Which will hide on your PC) - it's brazen and actually places a piece of software onto your PC. Although the virus will continually post virus results and other alerts, the bottom line is that it's fake and should not be taken seriously at all. You need to get rid of the infection quickly and reliably in order to regain control of your PC, which can thankfully be done using a simple technique outlined in the steps in this article...


The way to get rid of this virus is to get rid of all the program files it needs to run. Because it's a software tool, it has files and folders that it requires to actually operate. On top of that, you need then get rid of the settings it has and any further infectious components it places onto your system. 

We've found the best way to completely remove this virus is to use an anti-malware tool to scan through your system and get rid of the various infected files, folders and components the program uses to run. These anti-malware tools are professional pieces of software which work by scanning through your PC and identifying all the infected files & settings that are in there. We've found that using a program called "XoftSpy" is the best way to remove the Fake Microsoft Security Essentials Alert infection, because it can scan through your PC and locate all the files which your computer has placed onto your PC. You can use it by downloading the program to your computer, installing it and then letting it remove any of the infections it identifies. This will get rid of the virus and allow your PC to run smoothly again in the most effective way.

Microsoft Security Essentials Virus Removal Tutorial

You can remove Security Essentials by using the tutorials and software on our website. You can Click Here to get rid of the fake Microsoft Security Essentials Alert virus.


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