"The Era of globalization is fast becoming the preferred term for describing the current times. Just as the expression the cold Era was and the space age are used to divulge for single periods of history just the same way the globalization describes the political, the economic and the cultural psyche of today.
People nearby the globe are more related to each other than ever before. Information and money flow more speedily than ever. Goods and services produced in one country are increasingly ready in all parts of the world. International trip is more frequent and international communication has come to be commonplace. This phenomenon has been titled as "globalization".
Before we start let us construe who is a leader & what are the theory of leadership. A leader is one who:
·Walks uphill - an arduous but adventurous path
·Has a dream, makes strategic firm choices, which he translates into a vision.
·Has big photo and a long term vision
·Shares the vision to inspire and mobilize habitancy to deploy their potentials and energy.
·Encounters constraints but persists
·Provides preserve and gets best out of every one including the mediocre and non-performers
·Makes and difference
·Creates new work culture straight through professionalism.
·Leaves a mark straight through delivery of goals and objectives and results.
·Contributes by giving shape to the club and its growth. (Parikh Indira J, Unpublished consultancy report)
Principles Of Leadership
·Know yourself and seek self-improvement
·Be technically proficient
·Seek accountability and take accountability for your actions
·Make sound and timely decisions
·Set the organization
·Know your profile and look out for their well-being
·Keep your habitancy informed
·Develop a sense accountability in your habitancy
·Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised and accomplished
·Train your habitancy as a team
·Use the full capabilities of your own
Today's Indians and Indian club gift mixed images of their potentials and their present. There was a time, many eons ago when India as a century reflected quality of products and a country fill of wealth and riches, which was plundered many times ever with the beginnings of industrialization and the starting of assembly line mass yield India initiated processes of adapting, adopting and borrowing western technology, administration structures tools and techniques and administration knowledge from the west.
Today's developed India and its club are considered to be produces of shabby goods, borrowers of all technology and products aping the west is life style and living reflecting the image of poverty over populations and lacking all infrastructure of instruction health and hygiene for its citizens.
For all the talk about global organization. There is no definitive talk to the request of what, exactly we mean by 'global' is it a proximity in multiple countries or is it a cultural adaptability or a multilingual executive team? However, in today's world every club and executives face a barrage of leadership challenges culturing nearby the globe. These challenges appear enduringly as recurring trends in today's world of work, and which are mentioned below.
Transition is becoming a long - term reality in today's world of work. Changing technology and a global cheaper are two of the foremost factors driving these trends. Organizational change, such as downsizing, merger or restructuring has come to be the norm for the transformation of organization. The anxieties and apprehensions triggered of the transition duration the centered nearby the following themes.
1.Introduction of new state of the art technology or upgrading technology generated gigantic anxiety and apprehensions for employees in the organizations. To a majority of employee's introduction of new technology meant streamlining of the club and as such allowance in habitancy across levels. The employees are intelligent and experienced to know that in order for the club to be competitive and cost effective the numbers had to come down drastically. The nagging request confronted by most employees was what would the club do with the added habitancy if they did not ask them to leave? Many Ceos reassured the employees that they would not be asked to leave but the carrying out needed to improve which would then be monitored and measured. Lack of answers to these questions made most employees uncertain of their location and jobs in the organization.
2.Redesigning of club structure meant reallocation of existing habitancy in key positions. The designers and course makers held these decisions back for a long time and there was very little transparency in the decisions. This added to the fear and anxieties at the staff and managerial level. The lack of openness and transparency in sharing this thinking created gossip, speculations and inferences, which created panic and unrealistic versions and meanings of reality. The process of articulation was held back as there were concerns and apprehensions about throwing out some of the loyal, dedicated and sincere employees who had truly come to be redundant.
3.Whatever was known of restructuring and redefining of managerial roles straight through the grapevine or directly suggested was that some functions were bound to come to be redundant or non-existent. Those functional role-holders became quite apprehensive of their status, location and position in the new set up. The lack of information, uncertainty and ambiguity added fuel to the fire in the organization. The administration came under great commentary for bringing convert in the club without including the employees or intelligent their participation.
4.The hierarchical layered structure got concentration to be redesigned to a flat structure. This meant removing or reducing the disparity, which existed among levels as well as across levels of management. However, this also created anxiety nearby issues of redundancy and little opportunities for growth or vocation path.
The global organizations themselves are grappling with the flux and transition and responding to transformation in separate ways. Today, the task of the new leader is to affect and direct straight through ideas and imagination, to share power instead of amassing it. Avers Warren Bennis: "Whips and chains are no longer an alternative; Leaders must learn to convert the nature of power and how it is employed" (Jayakar, Roshni, 1996).
Leaders who invest personally in the process of developing future leaders are also building the most precious of organizational assets. The long-run success of leaders cannot be measured by whether they win today or tomorrow. The quantum will be whether their firm is still winning 15 years from now, when a new generation of leaders has taken over. (Tichy Noel, 1999).
Transformation means redesigning firm processes, even inventing new ones. firm Processes should be redesigned to contribute simplicity, speeds and balances. convert masters use Information technology to alter the basis of competition.
Hearts and Minds: Transformation is a habitancy issue. The way they deal with convert makes the incompatibility in the middle of success and failure. Harvard Professor John Kotter writes "Transformation is impossible unless hundreds or thousands of habitancy are willing to help. Employees will not make sacrifices, even if they are unhappy with the status quo, unless they believe that useful convert is possible. Without credible communication and a lot of it, the hearts and minds of the forces are never captured".
Present success does not warrant future success. And neither does change. Organizations in the process of transforming themselves must do so in the context of their long-term corporate goals. firm leaders should ask themselves: "How do we anticipate change?" "How do we administrate it"?.
Issues And Challenges Faced By Global Leader.
Managers and club today face a host of leadership challenges. These challenges are of fell nature.
1)Transformation: - Transformation is becoming a long-term reality in today's work place. Changing technology and a global cheaper are two of the foremost factors, which the leader has to face. The best laid plans for organizational a structural convert are frequently undermined by a failure to exist strong leadership. So successfully navigate the transition leaders and club needs to understand the human side of transition and build a culture of trust. As such leader needs to willing to observe and learn from their own emotional transitions in order to sustain such efforts in others.
2)Cultural Adaptability: - Cultural adaptability is the willingness and quality to recognize, understand and work effectively across cultural differences. These differences can comprise language, religion and group customers, among others. As the club becomes more global, cultural adaptability is becoming a vital skill for managerial success.
A Culturally adaptable global leader can:
·Evaluate the work of others in a culturally neutral way.
·Effectively go for and organize habitancy in multiple cultural settings.
·Inspire Information sharing among individuals who as not know/see each others.
·Motivate multicultural teams, effectively.
3)Conflict management: - Difficult interactions, hidden club end as, tensions and disappointment can all trigger off conflict in the workplace. Ongoing conflict can sabotage productivity, cooperation and communication. However, when leaders administrate conflict effectively, club can caress sure benefits, such as better decision-making, a more open environment and an club that stimulates creativity and innovation. To administrate conflicts, leaders need to learn to identify it and then address it.
4)Emotional Intelligence/ effective Relationships: - Emotional intelligence is more than just a buzz word. It's at the core of a leader's quality to divulge well to others leaders are unable to generate the commitment alignment and culture needed to survive and thrive in complex times. The quality to build effective relationships is one of the most foremost key components of leadership challenges.
Building a resilient work force requires authentic emotional leadership from managers who understand the links in the middle of emotions, vulnerability, learning and adaptability.
The world's most thriving fellowships know that changing before the next downturn or shop shift indeed, changing before you have to -- is the new rule of the game. As Jack Welch says, "Change should not be event", but rather a continuous process in the quest for success. (Salazar Rachael, 1995).
The fact that globalization is having such an impact on many club means that the number of habitancy prepared to invest in insight global leadership is increasing. However, the club needs to build and nourish the leaders. But request is on what basis the systematic global leadership can be build. Many studies levels that truly great club do not go for their leader from outside.
Many organizations have theory that enduringly assess, develop, motivate and monitor leadership. They provide a strong continuity of excellence from within. As such an effective global leader is emerged straight through the leadership continuity loop.
Leadership needs to be assessed from two perspectives that of the individual leader and the economic and strategic needs of the organization. However, global leader needs to divulge the demands to which the club is play. This is very foremost because global leaders control across multiple economics on the club may look dramatically different.
However, the club needs to collate the behavioral competitive of global leaders. For that, the club needs to generate a framework, which describes the attributes in terms of graphic actions that when applied consistently in organizational settings will have direct impact on the sustainability of the organization. Behavioral competency of global leader can be identified on the basis of set of leadership competencies that are required for high carrying out and the quality to control in a fast changing world, as researched by Prof. Harry Schroder a U.S. Master on leadership competencies. Prof. Schroder framework identifies clusters of behavioral strengths heap into four sets Strategic, Participative, charismatic and performance.
Though appraisal is key to leadership success, it is also foremost to stress that the club needs to organize work focused on careful benchmarks for assessing leadership potential and quality as it will enables the club to generate a full, and measurable yardstick of leaders. This can be potential if the club facilitate the leaders to fell the leadership continuity process.
Conditions For effective Leadership Continuity Process
To successfully navigate convert leaders and club need to understand the human side of transition and build a culture of trust.
Having lived in comfort zones for long periods of time, the club is now experiencing the pain and turmoil of dislocation from these zones. However, if convert has to take place and if new choices have to be operationalized, this dislocation is necessary. The club is grappling with new directions. Pockets of enthusiasm, anticipation, an eagerness to take on challenges and an inner urge for movement and growth are starting to emerge throughout the organization.
However, the exquisite global leader is the one who processes the characteristics and competencies of the following nature.
·Ability to emotionally associate with others
·Ability to instill values
·Articulating a tangible vision/values/strategy
·Balancing global versus local tensions
·Building organizational networks
·Catalyst for cultural convert
·Catalyst for strategic change
·Interlinkages and managing cross-cultural ethics
·Global firm savvy
·Global organizational savvy
·Global mindset
·Global networking
·Recognition expertise
·Learning orientation
Global leadership is an foremost factor in future firm success. By recognizing the expectations of leaders, club needs to be better adequate to guide global leaders and generate a pool of potential leadership talent for the future.
construction Global Leaders - Issues and Challenges ESSENTIALS LATEST VERSION
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