While the Android operating system on my Droid Incredible has an option to connect to MS Exchange services, it is not the best and safest way to do so. Limited functionality and missing security are some of the issues about this. But there is help in form of the "TouchDown" app made by NitroDesk. The TouchDown app lets you access your Corporate Email, Contacts, Calendar and Tasks right on your Android smart phone. The list of features is long and I am only going to highlight the most important ones.
- SSL Support. After all, security is important.
- Remote Data Wipe. Again, security is important.
- Secure Pin (enforceable). Did I mention security yet?
- Manual and Scheduled Sync options.
- Push Email
- Custom Notification Rules
- Out of Office
The list of features is quite longer and I am sure you find more items that are really helpful. Overall, this app comes close to the functionality offered by a Blackberry - which is completely geared towards email usage. The main differences I found are as follows:
1) The Blackberry Operating System also syncs Outlook notes with the device, while the Touchdown app does not (however a 3rd party app does that on the Android OS if needed).
2) A Blackberry device can be fully encrypted, while this cannot be done on a Droid Smart Phone yet.
3) I used filtering on the BlackBerry and it is easier to forward messages with high priority flag on the Blackberry and to set proper alerts. This is helpful to be notified on really important emails as an example. The TouchDown app comes close, but lacks a little bit on the filtering and the notification features. It does work, it is just not as easy and comfortable to do like it is on a Blackberry.
4) The Blackberry offers better battery life than a smart phone (at least this point)
Overall this application really makes it easy to dump the Blackberry and to move to a real smart phone. By moving to an Android based smart phone like the Droid Incredible you gain access to thousands of applications and better multimedia usability. RIM (Research in Motion) has recognized the need to improve their Blackberry operating system to be more competitive, but application makers are catching on quickly and raise the bar on the smart phone side of things higher and higher. RIM is promising a change with the upcoming version 6 of the BlackBerry operating system.
Droid Incredible and Microsoft Exchange
Chris Puetz has been publishing articles and product reviews on many well known websites. Recently he has been writing advice for couples trying to conceive as well as product reviews about the Droid Incredible.
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